This free download from AARP is available in English and Spanish and includes information about COVID-19 symptoms and testing sites. It is designed with...
In the current world we live in today, these are serious times. Especially for someone with a serious illness. How can you do your...
The population of the United States is rapidly aging, at the same time as more people understand themselves to be transgender or non-binary (“TNB”)....
Wearing face masks/coverings may be a risk reduction strategy that will remain necessary for months longer. What strategies are you or other members of...
National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) has designated July 16 as a second opportunity this year for organizations to help their communities focus on the...
The North Carolina Serious Illness Coalition welcomed Secretary Machelle Sanders to the June 26th edition of Friday Facts, our Week’s-end Update webcast. NC...
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in much higher death rates among Black and Latino people than white people, according to new data from Centers...
Our mission and vision, developed from principles of the NC Institute of Medicine’s Task Force on Serious Illness Care, is grounded in our belief...
On June 5th, Senator Mike Woodard joined the weekly webcast from the North Carolina Serious Illness Coalition, highlighting several healthcare issues of concern to...
On May 29, Rep. Jon Hardister, Majority Whip of the NC House joined the weekly webcast from the North Carolina Serious Illness Coalition, highlighting...