Some of the recommendations from the North Carolina Institute of Medicine (NCIOM) Task Force on Serious Illness Care just can’t wait! Increasing support...
Nurses makes a difference in the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out how many we have in the United States as well as many other nations.
North Carolina Serious Illness Coalition responds to important changes to the state’s advance directive and notarization requirements for health care.
Nathan Boucher, a member of the NC Serious Illness Coalition, is a federal research scientist with the Veterans Administration and on the faculty at...
Two initiatives regarding Advance Directives are being considered by the COVID-19 Committee and we understand they will be voting to approve these soon. Learn...
Ordinarily, with NHDD less than two weeks away, healthcare organizations and their community partners would be gearing up for Advance Care Planning events. But...
4,226 COVID-19 cases were reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of March 16 and the organization released a preliminary report showing...
NINR recently released a two and half minute video that provides a straightforward overview of pediatric palliative care for families, providers and organizations. This...
Task Force member Janna Pogers, member of the Duke Children’s Hospital Patient Advisory Council, emphasizes the importance of the family caregiver perspective and how...